Monday, June 22, 2009

Remember Decibels? Check out this news...

This is a grown-up article about loud decibels causing hearing loss. Remember learning abut decibels in Science when we studied sound? About 15% of American Teenagers have hearing loss-most likely from headphones, or loud music. They say that 70 decibels is okay-it's about as loud as taking a shower, which really isn't too loud. 100 decibels is dangerous. You might want to note that I read about Orange County (Disney area) and Key Biscayne (right here in Miami-Dade County) made LEAF BLOWERS illegal! Research has proven that the noise is damaging, but moreso, the pollution it stirs up in the air and we all breathe it! That is gross! I'd love to see them become illegal in my neighborhood and in Doral! What do you think?  Post your comment. 

Click here, or on title to read the Consumer Reports article: 


Green Class said...

I read that even certain blow dryers are harmful. I know I sure hate those leaf blowers. Some cities here in Miami Dade are banning them for good. I say, "YES!"

Kion said...

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